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Our Mission

Our mission is to help and encourage children in their understanding of the treasures and responsibilities of the Kingdom of God.



The treasure of knowing Jesus
The treasure of reading and knowing God’s Word 
The treasure of learning about the fruit of the Spirit



The responsibility of encouraging others

to know Jesus.
The responsibility of allowing the Spirit of God to help them love and serve others.


Newborn through 23 months of age

The focus of our nursery is to provide a safe and loving environment for children from birth to 2.

Our volunteers focus on caring for each individual need and we believe that every child should have the opportunity to socialize with other infants and toddlers, learn about the love of God, as well as work on developmental activities.

Cute Baby Boy


Kids age 2 through Pre-K

Kids at this age are very active learners! That’s why the Hands-on Bible Curriculum for Toddlers and Two’s will engage all five of their senses as they explore and learn that Jesus cares, He is alive, and that the Bible is God’s Book. Jesus was the master at using creative objects-like coins, fish, and lilies-to connect eternal truths to everyday life. What a powerful and fun way to learn!

Kids in Preschool


Kindergarten through 6th grade

We offer age appropriate classes for children in Elementary school. There’s nothing more important for children to learn in their growing years than to understand who God is, and our volunteers are passionate about encouraging our young children to seek the treasure of knowing Jesus. That’s why our focus this year is learning about the life of Jesus - His birth, His ministry, His death, and His resurrection. DIG IN - The Life of Jesus, does just that. Lessons are designed to emphasize individual discovery, in knowing - not knowing about, in student talking - not just teacher talking, in both experiencing and hearing the lesson. Students will learn skills that will help them live out their faith beyond the classroom.

Children in Classroom

Special Needs

We love all children and believe that they are all made in God's image. If your child has a special need, please contact our Children's Ministry Director or come see us at the Children's Check-In area in the church lobby.

Happy Girl


Please send us a note. We want to pray for you, contact you and get to know you!


We'll be in touch soon. Thanks for contacting us!

© 2023 by Ceres Christian Church. Proudly created with

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Physical Address: 

3502 Roeding Road

Ceres, CA 95307


Mailing Address:

PO Box 187

Ceres, CA 95307

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